Maggie Sefton at Tattered Cover on Monday June 16
10:27 PM | Author: Anonymous
This is last minute information - Maggie Sefton is appearing at the Tattered Cover on Colfax Monday night, June 16, at 7:30.  So - there are two places to pick from on our usual Monday night.  Some Knuts will be at IHOP as usual and others are "branching" off to the Tattered Cover.
Let the Knuts fall where they may!!
Knuts, the Picture Episode
3:29 PM | Author: Unknown

Hey Group! It's Sunday! Guess what that means! Yeah, Strange is blogging. For the first time in freakin' forever! This will not be a lengthy post by any means, but just a random piece of candy for you children. Wait... your taking candy from a... Hmmm. Your momma taught you better, but I guess I'm also force feeding it too you in a visual assault on your senses. Ha! Take that all you mommas!

Enough of me being bad, here is a slideshow of some recent stuff I've taken at the group. I know a lot of you (this is my big obvious "you" to the Preggies/Ex-Preggies) wanted these pictures, expecially the ones of the Flying NunBoy. I apologize for the blur on some of these. I just refuse to use a flash. Damn bulb things.

Now I'm pretty much done. We had much funnage with Maggie Wednesday night. You all missed some fun times. We need to start discussing when we want to head up to Lambspun in Ft. Collins for an evening with Maggie. It'll have to be sometime in July since her schedule is busy busy busy. We'll see what we can arrage and hopefully everyone can make it all together. If not, we'll try again.

I'm out for now.


Wednesday Night w/ Maggie Sefton
4:26 PM | Author: Unknown
Hey everybody,

Quick post to give out the details to those of you who are real troopers and check the blog even though I never update it.

Maggie's here on Wednesday June 4th, and we are having dinner with her at the Macaroni Grill right next to Barnes and Noble on Bowles and Wads around 5pm. Then at 7 she is heading over to Barnes to do her book signing and we are going to knit.
