10:00 PM | Author: Unknown
I'm gonna be a bit of a pill and say...

"Hey! Where are your blogs?"

I just thought I'd get on and reiterate the request I had posted earlier. I need the bloggerific people that post to the web to give me their blog links so that I might post them on the sidebar on our group page. Really it's all voluntary, but I know the majority of you have stuff to say and would jump to have just one more link to your own blogs. I'm such a good salesman, aren't I?

We are going to get to group photos eventually with some profile stuff where we can post it up on the blog and you all can get to know each other a little better. The idea is to have some unique facts about each of us and then have a gallery where we all can browse and learn about each other. Sharon aka Knit-N-Stash did something like this when we first started out and I loved it! It was just a few of us then so I'd like to get some more going now and build on that original idea. Just a few more ways to make this group interactive.

See you all Monday night.
Email Buzz
8:44 PM | Author: Unknown
Hey crazies,

Just a quick drop in to tell you all that the new email list invites have been sent out. I know Jan was looking to send out some emails to people and I have done the necessary adjustments, so all's lookin' good.

Now for you people who have been putting up with no emails from the group, there may be a very simple solution for you. I checked Jan and Kim's accounts and they are both still using their yahoo! email addresses. So if they aren't checking those mail boxes then they won't see any group communication. Problem fixed. Just go into your yahoo! acounts and change your email preferences. You'll need to set up the email you get from us to go to your primary, or the one you check all the time, account. If you can't figure this out, it's okay. It's complicated stuff. Give me a call on my phone and I'll give you a crash course. If you don't have my phone, look in the previous posts. It's there. I just don't want to post it everywhere for everybody and their mother to see. 'Cus mom's are curious cats. They'll call just for the hell of it.

And that wraps up my quickie post. You should all be getting emails soon, so enjoy and if you want to see any of the content posted on the blog, let myself, Jan or Sharon know.
Knitting Nite
3:58 PM | Author: knit-n-stash
Yes Yes Yes we all have been wondering where we will be knitting Monday Nite!
We have been invited back to Barns & Nobles and yes we said yes! Please spread the NEWS!
Can't wait.... I will be ripping my hat out to make it just a little smaller darn darn darn. I also did something very out of the ordinary I went on a mission to the antique store looking for knitting finds......can't wait to show you the double point needles I found. I also am looking for old hat stands and yes I found several but of course they were not for sale. I will just have to keep on looking.
Questions and Concerns, New Location
9:25 PM | Author: Unknown
Hey gang, we've had some major changes as of Monday night. The relationship between our group and the store manager at Barnes and Noble on Bowles has been tense for a while and because of bad communication on the part of the store manager, antagonistic action was taken against us which resulted in a very unwanted standoff. In a nutshell, we as customers were treated poorly despite the fact that we are paying customers who consistently bring business into that location. The inconsiderate way that the store manager treated us and our business has led us to move to another location for the time being.

Now what I've gotten from a few people is that despite how poorly we have been treated, there is still a desire to try to work with the district manager and the store itself to come to a resolution where we feel that we as a group is welcomed and respected at that location. The store is situated very nicely for the majority of us and the staff of B&N (minus the store manager) all enjoy us and love when we come in. It makes for a wonderful atmosphere and we've enjoyed it for a long time now. I was called by the district manager today and I'll be calling her back tomorrow to discuss what will happen from here.

I know a lot of you may be wondering what the heck is going on and what action we are taking on this so far. Please feel free to talk to me. My phone and email address are going to be below despite my better judgement. Lol

Shawn's (Strange) Contact Info-

(720) 468-7004

*Please make sure that if you do send me an email that you take the capitalized "SPAM" out of the address so that it doesn't get caught by my filters. For those of you savvy with the Yahoo! Group email base, you can just send me a message there, my email is listed.

Also, for those of you interested in contacting Barnes and Noble Corporate there is a link on http://www.bn.com/ for community relations. I can't promise you'll get much from it as the return call you may get won't be somebody sympathetic to our issue. They are basically a customer service rep who just wants to get their job done and go home. Yeah. Also, I would recommend that anyone wanting to send a letter to the District Manager Diane Seaburry (?) should contact Barnes and Noble on Wadsworth and Bowles at (303) 948-9565 and ask for the address for her office. I apologize for not having it on hand, but I just haven't had the time as of yet.

Most importantly, I would ask that if you do contact any part of Barnes and Noble with your complaints that you express to them that they are your feelings and not the group's. It's very important that our individual issues not complicate things for those not wishing to be involved with any negativity surrounding the situation. This group is about fun and relaxation and I am doing my best to keep it that way for all of us. Ultimately you all will handle it how you see fit and this is all I can really ask.

Now for location. This transition is not easy for us and I understand that everybody is still trying to figure out what the heck has happened. For this first week we will be in the Starbucks on Bowles and Wadsworth in the same block as the Barnes and Noble we've been meeting at. This should make it an easy shift at least for this week. They have been contacted and have expressed that they are more than happy to have us.

Again, I'm so sorry to everybody this has affected negatively. I wish that there could have been something I could have done to keep this from happening, but sometimes life is so not playing by your rules. Again, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I wanted to make sure this got out there since the snow kept everyone home this week. Good luck to the Preggies who all have little ones on the way. Hopefully we get to see you soon with the new kids in tow. Pamella and Marti, you guys were missed. Joy, we look forward to seeing you again.

'Til next entry guys!
