Hey crazies,
Just a quick drop in to tell you all that the new email list invites have been sent out. I know Jan was looking to send out some emails to people and I have done the necessary adjustments, so all's lookin' good.
Now for you people who have been putting up with no emails from the group, there may be a very simple solution for you. I checked Jan and Kim's accounts and they are both still using their yahoo! email addresses. So if they aren't checking those mail boxes then they won't see any group communication. Problem fixed. Just go into your yahoo! acounts and change your email preferences. You'll need to set up the email you get from us to go to your primary, or the one you check all the time, account. If you can't figure this out, it's okay. It's complicated stuff. Give me a call on my phone and I'll give you a crash course. If you don't have my phone, look in the previous posts. It's there. I just don't want to post it everywhere for everybody and their mother to see. 'Cus mom's are curious cats. They'll call just for the hell of it.
And that wraps up my quickie post. You should all be getting emails soon, so enjoy and if you want to see any of the content posted on the blog, let myself, Jan or Sharon know.
This entry was posted on 8:44 PM and is filed under
Blog Maintenance
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Thank you, oh Strange master of the blog.
The anonymous Jan.