I got on here to post something that was imperative for tomorrow and now can't remember anything. Why does this happen to me?! I was going to have everyone bring something, or tell a joke, or do something fun and now I just can't get it. I keep hoping that as I keep typing something will pop up here...
I haven't checked to see if we have any new pictures in the Yahoo! group and I still need to post a blog for little Brodie. Maybe one where we Photoshop knitting needles into his hands! I don't get to mess with pictures like I used to. Maybe I'll just have to write a full out post when all the new little guys have come out to join us. There will be lots of photo-taking.
I still don't know what it was I was going to say and it's driving me bonkers, so I'm just going to go check out the Ravelry page and leave it at that. If anyone finds my brain while you are out and about, please bring it back to me.
You may know me as Anonymous or Anonymous Jan from the comments I have made on other people's posts. Today I am actually POSTING. I am nervous.
Shawn has patiently taught me how to do this. So, all the credit goes to him. If this is a success, the credit is all Shawn's. If this does not work - it is all Shawn's fault.
Last night was a great time as usual. We had two new people join us for knitting at the old B&N. Welcome to both of you. It is fun to watch the new people sit down at the ever expanding tables with us. I'm not sure that they have any preconceived notion as to what it will be like to join our group of knutty knitters. Perhaps they picture a certain age group or a certain seriousness. Perhaps they are even wondering if coming might just be a waste of time. Or perhaps they are a tad shy. Well, whatever those newcomers expected, it wasn't US. You can almost see it on their faces when they realize - "Hey, this is a fun group." We are a group of knitting knuts, yes, but so much more. Like the millions of knitting patterns and yarns out there - we are diverse. So now that you two have enjoyed and survived one night of knitting with the knuts, you are one of us and I know we'll see you again. We look forward to the new stuff - ideas and fun - you will bring to our group.
Kate, how long before Brodie can hold knitting needles?
My posts seem to fall on the day before we meet. I am bringing a few simple items with me on Monday so we can all make a marker for our collections. I have been thinking that in the near future we should do a secret swap of some sort! What are your thoughts??? Yarn, favorite pattern, notions, snacks while you knit, tea, coffee, candles, books, needles and hooks, the list can go on! I also am interested in knowing Birthdays....so we can party while we knit!
I am trying to finish another baby hat before Monday night. I an going to cast on socks again this time one at a time. I look forward to seeing what all we have accomplished this week.
I also thought I would get everyone thinking about
Up-Coming Events:
1. Great Western Alpaca Show May 2-4
2. Estes Park Wool Market June 11-13
More info to fallow on these and more events as we find them.