Picnic or Knitting Knuts Feed the Squirrels
6:12 PM | Author: Anonymous
The very first official Knitting Knuts Picnic is planned for Monday, July 28, at Clement Park.  Yes, knitting is allowed at picnics - just bring lots of handi-wipes to wash up before touching that $29.99/skein yarn.  Or in the case of Kate, untangling a wayward skein for 2-1/2 hours.  (She'll have to tell you THAT story.)

Sharon, Shawn and I are going to find the perfect spot.  Our first choice will be with a view of the lake, so that is south from the Library parking lot in the west end of the park.  There are lots of sheltered picnic areas to choose from so hopefully we will find one.  We will be there at 6:30, so come when you can.  The plan was for people to meet in the IHOP parking lot and we will call and say where we are, but if you want to head over to the park to find us or call Shawn (720-468-7004), go for it.

Bring a dish to share, your own plates, utensils and drinks.  Cooler with ice and some extra plates and utensils will be provided.

Bring extra people if you wish - hopefully people you know, like husbands, kids, knitting buddies, etc.

I may be forgetting something, so check your e-mail with our Yahoo Group for last minute updates.  See you there.
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On July 24, 2008 at 11:58 PM , Knitschmidt said...

2 1/2? I think that number may be off a bit, cause Emily got this shot much much earlier in the day...
